
Hello! My name is Katie, and I am the person behind Creative Activities for Kids. I have always worked with children, and knew that I had a lot of information I could share with others. Over the years I have been a nanny, teacher's aide, tutor, daycare center co-director and teacher, daycare owner, and now a stay at home mom.
One day I was going through my huge binders of crafts and activities for one of my friends who needed some fun things to do with her daughter. "Wow, you should really start your own site", she exclaimed seeing all the ideas I had. That is what I did. I hope you enjoy this site! If you have a question, comment, or idea for this site you can contact me by filling out the form below. I used Solo Build It to build this site and learned a great deal about site building from them. Therefore, I was very disappointed to find out SBI had been the target of a Googlebomb. If you've seen this rash of fake reviews, you should go to this site to learn the true story: SBI Scam