Outdoor Fun
Spending time out in nature with plenty of time for movement is essential to happy, balanced kids. Some kids are naturals outdoors and need no guidance, other kids like some ideas given to them to spark their imagination. Here are my list of favorite outdoor activities.
Outdoor Games
Organized games are great for groups of children. I have noticed that kids always seem to enjoy themselves more if the adults in their lives join in on the fun.
It is always a good idea to lay down any rules before you start playing, and to make sure your kids fully understand them. Having rules and boundaries set up makes it less likely for arguments later on.
Around the World
Bocce Ball
Follow the Leader
Four Square
Freeze Tag
Hide and Seek
Obstacle Course
Red Light, Green Light
Relay Race
Scavenger Hunt
Treasure Hunt
What Time is it Mr. Fox?
Outdoor Activities
Balloon Painting
Bird Watching
Build a Fort
Build a Teepee
Camp Out
Crayon Rubbings
Map Making
Sun Dial
Tie Dye Shirts
Toad Homes
Tree Fort
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